About the PGT

The PGT is an organization of parents, teachers and administrators in Parsippany dedicated to the special needs of the children enrolled in the GRO (Gifted Reach Out) Program. The PGT serves as a direct link between you and the GRO Program.
The PGT supports the GRO Program and many of its activities throughout the school year. PGT uses the funds raised though membership fees ($25) to offer events, trips, resources and programs for the GRO students who are registered PGT Members.
We hold PGT meetings that will include updates on PGT events, GRO updates and speakers from various organizations to discuss and answer questions about our gifted and talented children and their education. All PGT Members are welcome to the meetings.
We will hold our Gifted Fair in April, which will include vendors from the area that provide programs for gifted and talented children.
The PGT is also committed to maintaining our Scholarship Program that awards a scholarship to two graduating seniors (one at each of the two district high schools) who were earlier enrolled in the district elementary schools as GRO students.
The PGT encourages you to become a PGT Member. The Membership Form can be found here. Your membership dues and your generous donations provide the funding we need to help support the GRO Program and for our activities and scholarships.
Please do not hesitate to contact the PGT with any questions and/or suggestions. PGTparsippany@gmail.com
We look forward to serving the GRO program and our students throughout this school year.
click the above link to read the current PGT Bylaws
Scholarship Information-
Award Amount: $500 each
Number of Recipients: 2 (students from three schools apply for the scholarship)
Sponsor: Parents for the Gifted and Talented (PGT)
Applicant must be a graduating senior
Applicant was a student of the GRO program for one or more years during elementary school
Applicant plans to pursue education beyond high school
Transcript (including SAT)
Essay (150 – 200 words)
Deadline Date for submission: TBD (Usually April)
Return the filled out application with the required documents to the Guidance Department